Defensive Driving Globe Arizona
Globe, Arizona is east of Phoenix and north of Tucson. Globe is 10 minutes from the Apache Gold Casino and has about a half a dozen bars and pubs, saloons, and clubs plus several more a short drive away in Miami. The town has mild winters and hot, but not too hot summers. Many retirees chose to make their home in Globe and many vacations there to take advantage of the mild weather and many family-friendly activities. Globe has many historical buildings so if you like classic architecture you will enjoy sightseeing here.
If you are traveling in Globe, Arizona and make the oh, so common faux pas of passing a state trooper a bit over the speed limit and find yourself with the dreaded traffic citation, Funny Driving has an online Globe Arizona Defensive Driving course that can get that ticket dismissed easy peasy! Just log in at funnydriving.com anytime you like! The course is available on your schedule, day or night. 24/7 on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Our course is written by comedians and is 100% animated so you just kick back and enjoy a fun and educational experience that makes the ticket go bye-bye and gets you a discount on your auto insurance. We have highly-trained customer service agents available toll free by phone at 1-866-357-2020. If you need your certificate in a hurry you can download it as soon as the class is done and print it yourself. We will also send a copy to the court for you.

Sample Video From Our Course