100% Animated
Our entire course is 100% animated, which is more cartoons than any other online course. We also incorporate humor into our animations as well to provide a fun environment for learning.
State Approved
Funny Driving is state approved to provide a Driving Safety/Defensive Driving Course for ticket dismissal, insurance discounts, and commercial employee safety improvement in the states of Arizona, Florida, And Texas.
Flexible Schedule
No Time Restrictions - Take your Driver Safety Course 10 minutes at a time, all at once, over multiple days, or anything in between. Log on and off of the course at your own convenience an unlimited number of times. You do not have to take the class all in one sitting. The course is mobile compatible; for smart phone and tablet devices, but please do not take the course while driving.
Live Technical and Instructor Support
Our Customer Care Specialists are available via live phone and email to assist you with any questions you may have about our course. Each specialist has gone through rigorous physical and mental training to provide you with excellent support. Sample Animation
Sample Online Animation
We have developed our online course to be 100% animated, so that you don’t have to sit through the same old boring class. We have found here at Funny Driving, that students learn more while they are awake. That’s why we have put together the most comprehensive and entertaining defensive driving course around. To the left is a sample cartoon from our online course.